Objectives of CIRCUIT project

Objectives of CIRCUIT project

The aim of the project is to accelerate the transition of Greece and Bulgaria towards Circular Economy and bring an innovative and pioneering approach to deal with complex problems of this field. This will be achieved through the promotion of entrepreneurship on circular economy. In total line with the Programme’s Investment Priority 3a and its Specific Objective, CIRCUIT focuses on improving entrepreneurship SME support systems by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and promoting the creation of new tools, including through business pre-incubators, incubators, Labs and info-points, supporting the capacity of young people and engage them in innovation processes.

CIRCUIT’S overall objectives are: a)the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation to the entrepreneurs of the CB area, b) young entrepreneurs’ stimulation on circular economy by supporting them to meet the new technologies of this field, c) the enhancement of the CB regions’ role by creating an entrepreneurial system on circular economy in the area. The project’s main objectives are: a) strengthening entrepreneurship on circular economy and networking culture for the promotion of a new business model expansion, b) improvement of competitiveness of existing SMEs, while supporting the emergence of new collaborative business schemes, c) improvement of the regions’ authorities and stakeholders capacity regarding entrepreneurship on circular economy, d) actual support offered to male and female entrepreneurs through training, consulting, mentoring services, e) Increase of the local population and authorities’ awareness towards entrepreneurship on circular economy, f) Promotion of CB cooperation, networking, common exports, common business schemes, etc.

CIRCUIT’s overall objective is fully aligned to the Program Priority Axis 01 and Thematic Objective 03, as the enhancement of entrepreneurship in the field of circular economy, promotes the boosting of innovation and competitiveness.