Expected Results
Expected Results
The main results that will occur from the project are:
1) Stimulation and development of new businesses in the field of circular economy and facilitated operation of existing women businesses.
2) Higher participation of young people and women with entrepreneurship and especially in the field of circular economy.
3) Enhanced role of the participating regions’ stakeholders to support entrepreneurship in the field of circular economy.
4) Emergence of new collaborative schemes of businesses in the field of circular economy.
5) Better quality of innovation and extroversion of businesses in the field of circular economy and higher survival measures of start-ups.
6) Strong and competitive businesses in the field of circular economy and networks supporting new business models expansion.
7) Increased awareness and sensitization of the local population and authorities towards entrepreneurship in the field of circular economy.
8) Increased cross-border cooperation, networking, common exports, common business schemes, etc.
9) Development of new business support systems.
In this context, CIRCUIT will attempt to generally stimulate business creation, strengthen existing business survival and provide support to the SMEs that want to be expanded in the circular economy sector. Individuals and startups will be enabled to prototype and develop innovative solutions contributing to promote the transition towards Circular Economy in Greece and Bulgaria.
The Project’s activities will enable existing enterprises but also potential young entrepreneurs to operate active and competitive businesses in the field of circular economy, complying with the result indicators of the Programme. In addition, the Cross-Border businesses will be trained and encouraged to collaborate in new innovative Cross-Border business schemes and networks.